

Privacy Statement – Information that we collect about customers and why we keep this.

We collect personal information and keep records about you and the service that you receive so that we can;

  • Provide you with the right care and support to meet your individual needs and preferences and respond to any changes;
  • Answer any queries that you may have or deal with complaints;
  • Keep you safe from harm and abuse;
  • Check the quality of the service that we provide and improve it if necessary.

We will only ask for information that is relevant. This includes information about who you are, your home, what and who is important to you, your care and support needs and preferences and details of the service we provide to you.

What we do with this information

Your personal information is important, so we make sure that all of the information that we have about you is safely and securely stored.

Most of this information is written in your care and support plans. The care worker will look at your care and support plan each time that they visit. They will make a note of the care and support they provide at the end of every visit. You have a copy of all these records in the care company’s Support Plan folder which we leave at your home.

We also keep copies of this information in:

– The care company office;

– With the ‘on call staff member’ who provides management support out of office hours.

We will not keep information about you for longer than is necessary. In most cases we will dispose of information 6 years after our service to you ceases.

Who else can see the information that we have about you?

The law says that you have a right to see any personal information that we have about you. To see a copy of any personal information that is not already at your home, or to correct any inaccuracies, please contact the care company manager:

We will also accept a request from a member of your family or a friend providing they have your permission.

Usually, we will not discuss or share your personal information with anyone else unless you have given us permission first. Occasionally, however, we may need to share information about you without asking your consent because the law says we must or because we are concerned about your safety or well-being.

This includes:

  • The statutory regulator for health and social care;
  • Legal representatives that you have appointed such as attorneys;
  • A court appointed deputy, visitor or guardian;
  • The local authority social work or adult social care department or the Health and Social Care Trust;
  • An independent mental capacity advocate instructed by the local authority;
  • Other health or social care professionals in an emergency.


When using any Kentish Homecare services, you will be requested to sign a consent form in line with our privacy policy statement.

I give consent to my personal information being shared as described in this statement.


Client’s Name_____________________________Clients signature_________________________________



Please sign if a relative or representative will act on clients behalf

Representatives Name_________________________Representatives



Relationship to client__________________________Date_______________________________________________

If signing on behalf of the client your signature is an indicate that the client has given you permission to sign on their behalf and you have discussed the contents of the letter with the client.  If a client is unable to consent to any of our documentation and they have no legally appointed guardian, we will work with their appointment representatives to ensure we respect their wishes when involved with Best Interest Decisions regarding their care.

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