
Coronavirus – Covid 19 Information

At Kentish Homecare, we have taken the following action to keep our staff and clients safe and well during this pandemic.

·      We are following and implementing all the guidance issued by Department of health and Public Health England, as well as liaising closely with London Borough of Bromley and the Bromley NHS.

·      We have completed risk assessment for all our clients and staff.

·      We have given written guidance to all our clients on how to work with our carers during this time to reduce the risk to both parties.

·      We have provided the carers will all appropriate PPE and have continued to staff our office throughout this pandemic in order carers can restock PPE as needed. 

·      Our carers are required to complete infection control training ever year.

·      Carers have been given additional guidance on handwashing and putting on and taking off PPE in the correct order.


When possible, we will maintain the recommended distance of 2 metres.

When delivering care in your home, our carer will wear single use gloves, aprons, and masks.  Carers will wear visors if there is a risk of exposure to aerosol droplets.

Our carers will need to wash their hands frequently during calls.

They will need access to running warm water, liquid soap, and a disposable hand towel.  They will wash their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds.

Our carers will also carry alcohol hand gel in the event they cannot wash their hands or when they need to leave the properly.

When leaving a property often the carer is required to retouch surfaces such as door handles and keysafe boxes and therefore needs to decontaminate them again with the hand gel.

If you are able to leave out a bottle of antibacterial spray the carer can also spray frequently touched surfaces and handles.

To ensure the safety of our staff we ask relatives to follow the guidance given by the Government – to keep distances, reduce visits, to follow Government Quarantine rules and not to visit if feeling unwell.

If any of our staff experience any of the symptoms of fever, new dry cough and or loss of smell and/taste the staff member will have to go off for a minimum of 7 days.

If any staff members household experience fever, new dry cough, and or loss of smell and/taste they will also have to isolate for a minimum of 14 days.



For our office team, our office staff have been temporarily based from home, we have been able to continue to run our service with as minimal disturbance as possible, by diverting our phone lines and utilising secure cloud based technology to continue to run smoothly.

The team will return to the office environment from mid-July, if this needs to be reviewed again, we will be able to do so without any negative impact on current services.

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